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Age of Sigmar New Edition Rules
Horus Heresy Legions Imperialis!
New Horus Heresy & Votann Commemorative Miniatures
New Horus Heresy & Votann Commemorative Miniatures
Commander Dante, Azrael, Vashtorr
New Lumineth Realm-Lords & Army Sets
Coming for pre-order this weekend is the new range of Lumineth miniatures including the new Harakan units. These will be avaliale for pre-order this Satuday and will start shipping the following week. We will also have the new Battletome and limited stock of the Warscrolls.
Also being released is 4 Brokem Realms Army Sets. The sets include a selection of units based on the Techlis books narative and come at a good value instead of puchasing separately.
The new army sets are Invidian Plaguehost, Xintil War-magi, Mortevell's Helcourt and Horrek's Dreadlance.